At Leigh Academy Langley Park we promote good attendance to enable pupils to take full advantage of the educational opportunities we offer. Our Attendance Team monitors attendance and punctuality regularly and works closely with families to support good attendance. We expect all children to achieve a minimum of 96% attendance for a year and have a whole school target of at least 97%.
What to do if your child is absent from the academy?
It is your responsibility to phone our school office, on the first day of absence, leaving your child’s name, class and reason for absence. This needs to be done every day by 8:30am. If contact is not made by you regarding your child’s absence then we will mark this as an unauthorised absence in the Register and this will be monitored by the academy’s attendance team. We will then phone during the day to ascertain the reason for absence.
The following reasons are examples of the kinds of absence that will not be authorised:
- Absence of siblings if one child is ill
- Oversleeping
- Inadequate clothing/uniform
- Confusion over school dates
- Medical/dental appointments of more than half a day without very good reasons
- Child’s/family birthday
- Shopping trip
Leave of Absence during Term Time
Holidays will not be authorised during term time. Holidays taken during term time are classed as unauthorised and penalty fines will be issued.
Being just 5 minutes late everyday means your child will miss 3 days of learning every year. Please ensure your child is at school by 8:40am every day. We open the class doors at 8:30am so that parents can drop their children and go, so there is no excuse to be regularly late. If we identify an issue with punctuality we will contact you in regards to the impact on your child’s education. If your child arrives after 8:55am your child will be classed as late (L) with those arriving after 9:15am getting an unauthorised late (U code).