Sports Premium Grant 2022-23


Total amount carried over from 2020/21


Total amount allocated for 2021/22


How much (if any) do you intend to carry over from this total fund into 2022/23?


Total amount allocated for 2022/23


Total amount of funding for 2022/23. To be spent and reported on by 31st July 2023


swimming data

Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres?


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]?


What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations?


Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and sport premium to provide additional provision for swimming, but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way?


5 indicators of improvement


The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school.


The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement.


Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.


Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.


Increased participation in competitive sport.

2022-23 expenditure

Total: £1,000
% of total funding: 10%


  • Continue to encourage greater Physical Activity in our children, to empower children to make positive healthy lifestyle choices.
  • To increase the children’s activity levels in response to their recent decrease due to lockdown.
  • Increased access to and involvement in physical activities at school lunchtime.
  • Develop positive attitudes towards health and fitness, and develop social and emotional well-being through physical activity.
  • Readiness to learn following physical activity.
  • Pupil fitness and fundamental movement skills developed and improved through extended provision.


  • Continue to offer 2 hours High Quality PE per week.
  • Reorganise the structure of lunchtimes in houses vs year groups to promote interaction and collaboration between year groups.
  • Continue the implementation of play leaders to offer structured lunchtime physical activities.
  • To organise equipment monitors to ensure sports equipment is ready to use and accessible at all times.
  • Continue to participate in Balance Bikes and Bikeability Schemes.
  • To maintain and replenish the  play equipment for the play leaders and for personal class use.

Total: £13,600
% of total funding: 70%


  • Children benefit from high quality sports lessons as part of the curriculum entitlement.
  • Develop strong leadership of sport and strengthen networking between local schools of all types; primary, secondary and SEND.


  • Employ a full-time PE coach to teach all classes and offer CPD for all staff.
  • Merge the PE Leadership role with PSHE and RSE to align with the IB subject area of PSPE.
  • PSPE leader to attend available CPD sessions both within LAT and beyond.

Total: £2,000
% of total funding: 10%


  • Improve the quality of teaching in PE through staff CPD from Lead Practitioner, to further enhance staff competence and confidence in planning, teaching and assessing PE.
  • PE co-ordinator to access CPD training opportunities and monitor subject development.
  • Increased standards of pupil attainment, against Key Stage Attainment Target.
  • Increased enjoyment and positive attitudes through more lessons aligned with the PYP principles.
  • Participation in enhanced quality teaching and learning opportunities, leading to better outcomes for pupils.


  • Subscribe to PE Hub to provide CPD, sequences of learning and detailed guidance to staff.
  • Train LSAs to facilitate more physical activity provision at lunch.
  • Commission expert CPD for all staff with a particular focus on inclusivity.
  • Invest in staff gaining swimming instructor qualification.

Total: £1,000
% of total funding: 5%


  • Enhance and extend the range of physical activities and sports offered in and out of curriculum and as after/before school clubs.
  • To broaden sports and activities offered to pupils and how these can be used in competitive sport’s events.
  • Pupils develop fundamental movement skills and transfer these to sports skills.
  • Pupils constantly have the opportunity to practise and enhance their skills in different contexts.
  • Pupils are inspired to achieve and participate in a broader range of sports, through positive role models.


  • Work in partnership with Charlton Athletic and Kent County Cricket to provide expert lessons.
  • Pursue further opportunities to work with organisations offering less common sports like curling or handball.
  • Increase the menu of extra-curricular sporting clubs for children to access after school.
  • Pursue external organisations to run extra-curricular clubs like basketball.

Total: £1,000
% of total funding: 5%


  • Develop pupils’ understanding of sportsmanship and competitive environments.
  • Increased opportunities for competitive activities.
  • Pupils develop fundamental movement skills in different contexts and under competitive conditions.


  • Establish a girls’ football team.
  • Maintain the boys’ football team.
  • Implement a netball club with potential for competitions.
  • Set up inter-house competitions throughout the year.
  • Promote sport and competitions using a central display board
  • Contact local companies and schools to source transport options for local competitions.
  • Promoting home school links – signposting to events/clubs and Teams.
  • Arrange taster sessions in school to be delivered by local outside agencies.
  • Report outcomes of competitions via the weekly newsletter.

2021-22 review

Total income: £18,960
Total expenditure: £18,960



Success Criteria

Classes and after-school sports clubs offered and taught by a full-time PE coach.

Detail / Impact

  • PE Teacher to lead one session of PE and provide CPD for teachers.
  • Embed and utilise an assessment overview to ensure progress across year groups.
  • Work collaboratively with PYP Coordinators to ensure that sports is being explored in a transdisciplinary manner.







Success Criteria

Children develop a range of sporting experiences using high quality equipment and facilities.

Detail / Impact

Focus on developing the range of equipment and quantity as the school continues to grow.







Success Criteria

Children use equipment to engage with positive play during break times.

Detail / Impact

Children will receive instruction and “training” on how to engage with equipment appropriately during break times.







Success Criteria

UKS2 pupils are trained as play leaders and put on a rota to engage their peers in other year groups in positive play.

Detail / Impact

Invest in the initial training and then subsequent implementation. At least 12 play leaders to be active during break times.







Success Criteria

More children are able to attend a wider range of sports clubs and new equipment for these activities is purchased.

Detail / Impact

A comprehensive menu of varied clubs in place and accessible to all. These should be reviewed and refreshed according to seasonal appropriateness.



