Welcome to Leigh Academy Langley Park, a truly outstanding facility offering an outstanding educational experience for your child.
Our Values
- Exploration
- Resilience
- Individuality
- Self-Belief
- Independence

Leigh Academy Langley Park will offer your child:
- A rounded education focused on an enjoyment of reading and writing, excelling in maths and science, exploration of history, geography, RE and physical education and the creative experience of art, drama, design technology, languages and music.
- The development of their physical well-being by offering high-quality PE sessions, utilizing the extensive sporting facilities created by a longer school day.
- Extending their creative flair, through drama, the arts, music and instrument lessons.
- Readiness for the next stage in their learning; either moving from the Early Years Foundation Stage to Key Stage 1, from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2, or on to Secondary education.
- An innate love of learning and curiosity, helping them explore and challenge what they know about the world around them.
- Daily enrichment opportunities for all children for example, PE, Music, Art, Drama.
Leigh Academy Langley Park will offer you, your family and the community:
- A chance to be part of your child’s education, creating an environment of communication and aspiration.
- Wrap around care. Breakfast club (Reception to Year 6) from 7:30am and an after-school club until 6pm.
- Community based projects for pre-school aged children and out-of-school times, including holiday programmes.
- A designated community centre for use by you and your family.
- Outstanding sports facilities to be used out of school hours.
Learning Today for Life Tomorrow